If you have a garage, it will almost inevitably become the household dumping ground. The place where unused furnishings and electrical items go to die. It’ll start with just small bits and pieces. But then, one day, you’ll open the door and find that you can’t fit in, much less the car! So, what do you do? A garage clearance service might provide the answer.
Three Steps to Turn Your Garage into a Useable Space
Take out what you need
Garages can need clearing for all kinds of reasons. The space may have been that way when you purchased the house. You may have agreed to store some stuff for other people. Or, as is often the case, the junk has simply accumulated over time. And it’s so easy to do. Out of sight is usually out of mind, when it comes to waste disposal. Which is why the majority of Britain’s sheds, garages, and spare rooms are full to bursting. And that’s why the first step towards clearing them out, is to identify the things you actually want to keep.
Whether it’s tools, play equipment, or luggage. Move all of the items that you know you need to keep, temporarily out of the space. Then, you can call in the professionals.
Book a garage clearance service
A professional garage clearance service is the fastest and easiest way to get your garage back in order. With Leeds Junk & Rubbish, you can book a garage clearance time to suit your needs. Then you can sit back and let us get on with it! If you want to supervise, to ensure that you’ve not missed anything you’d like to keep, that’s fine. Otherwise, our experienced team will carefully and systematically load all the things you no longer need into a truck and take it away for responsible disposal. Whether it’s car parts and electrical appliances, or paint pots and dead house plants.
We are fully licenced, so you can be certain that your waste will never end up anywhere it shouldn’t. And once we’ve removed the large items, we’ll sweep up to ensure that you have as little to do as possible!
Organise the space
The problem with clearing your garage is that once you’re done, you’re left with a whole lot of beautifully clear space. And do you know what that space is good for? Clearing all the junk out of the house! Finally, you’ve got somewhere to put the kid’s sports equipment, the blow-up bed, the bulk buy groceries you picked up on special offer! And suddenly, you’re back to where to started. So, the very first thing the sensible person will do after emptying their garage, is put some workable storage in place. Whether you put up some shelves and use plastic boxes with lids. Or install wall-mounted bike racks and hooks. Find a solution that helps you to keep the space clutter free and easily organised.
Your garage can be a really useful space. Of course, it’s a great way to keep your car protected and off the road. But with the right storage system, most garages can give a home some much-needed extra room. So, why not make the most of yours? All it takes is a little tidy and a little planning!
Get a quote from Leeds Junk & Rubbish to find out how little it could cost to have your garage professionally cleared.